Your Gateway to the Stellar Network's Data.

Tailored for fitting within the Stellar ecosystem, Mercury is a powerful, flexible and efficient managed indexing service, trusted and used by some of the most important projects in the Soroban ecosystem.

Mercury makes interacting with Stellar and Soroban data easy and with no-setup.

Tailored For The Stellar Ecosystem

Mercury is specifically designed for fitting and interacting within the Stellar ecosystem and is built with the purpose of being a fast, lightweight, flexible and cheap intermediary between Network data and applications that scale.

No-Setup & Cost Efficient

Work with a managed service which requires no setup on your side. Moreover, our ingestion mechanism is focused on preventing bloats, thus reducing costs. Thanks to our subscription model you only pay for what we really store for you.

Write Custom Logic

Through our ZephyrVM, developers who need further customizability in the processing flow can write and deploy to Mercury custom logic in any WASM-compatible language.

Fast. Reliable. Flexible. Lightweight.

We never had indexing services in the ecosystem, and have always relied on explorers or backends to access data. This changes with Protocol 20.

New arbitrary data structures, on-chain-only workflows and more complex on-chain logic create a necessity for complex, granular, deep, and customizable queries.

Mercury is built to this specific purpose, and by leveraging the existing ecosystem structure can do so with blazing efficiency. See here how.

The Zephyr Virtual Machine

Need even more customizability but don't want to set-up your own infrastructure? Our cloud execution environment has got it covered.

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1. Write The Zephyr Program

You can use a Zephyr SDK to share your own ingestion logic, database interactions, and more.

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2. Deploy to Cloud

Once you have written your program, you can deploy it to Mercury's Cloud execution environment.

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3. Query Your Data

We are now constantly processing your program and delivering your data within the Mercury API, making it ready for you to query it.

Building on Stellar?

Our team provides assistance to selected projects building on Mercury through all phases of implementation.

Starting from understanding what the specific indexing needs are, to then planning case by case the most efficient data solution (through the Zephyr VM we have full flexibility), up to help and technical assistance during and after the implementation of that solution. Get in touch by reaching out at [email protected]

Building on Stellar?

Case Studies

We have more case studies down the line, stay tuned in the blog to receive updates.

About Us

Mercury is being developed by xyclooLabs, a software developement company focused on Stellar and Soroban. Through our projects, we're committed to providing the users of the Stellar network with the best possible on and off-chain experience.

Our team has been working on Stellar for more than four years and has been focusing on Soroban since the early releases. Through our projects and open-source contributions (such as utility crates, protocols and SDKs) we are currently committed to power a better DeFi experience on Soroban.

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