The Ultimate Gateway To The Stellar Network.

Cloud Infrastructure tailored for and hardwired to Stellar, with a focus on powering Soroban applications. Discover your comprehensive, efficient and flexible solutions to power all your data needs.

Cloud-Powered Efficiency

Access Stellar network data seamlessly through our cloud infrastructure. From transaction simulation to custom indexing, Mercury handles the heavy lifting, eliminating the need for complex setup or maintenance on your end. No infrastructure. You define your logic, we take care of the rest.

Tailored Data Solutions

Mercury offers unparalleled flexibility in accessing network data. From simple event tracking to complex custom indexing, we adapt to your needs. Use no-code subscriptions for specific data, implement any indexing logic thanks to the Zephyr VM, or quickly build an indexer in your contract with RetroShades.

Open Source & No Vendor Lock-In

Mercury developes products that can run on any infrastructure. The ZephyrVM is open-source and so is Retroshade's SVM fork and our ingestion library. Our proprietary infrastructure relies on these open-source libraries offering a cloud environment for them, data availability and additional features.

Stellar's Leading Indexer.

Mercury is the leading and most-used indexer for working with Stellar smart contracts. Join other leading teams such as Script3, Soroswap, ClickPesa, and more in building your frontends and analytics with Mercury-powered data.

A Comprehensive Solution

Mercury will power every data-related need when building your Stellar Application

Transaction Simulation

Directly and accurately create your simulation endpoints for your transactions without having to rely on an external RPC provider.

Comprehensive Data Access

Read and process all network data: ledger entries, events, and Stellar Classic data (tx envelopes and results).

Flexible Custom Indexing

Define your indexing logic on cloud and with unparalleled flexibility: use Zephyr for more complex data retrieval and aggregation, and  RetroShades for contract-level indexing.

On-Cloud Automation Flows

Create sophisticated DeFi bots and trading strategies with Rust. Leverage direct access to live network data and execute your logic in our cloud environment, maximizing efficiency.
New Feature Announcement

Meet the indexing revolution: RetroShades

Redefine with gas-less events your Stellar smart contract indexing experience, taking advantage of unparalleled speed, control and developer experience.

Define your Indexer directly in the Smart Contract

Build the indexer inside your contrcat without altering it on-chain. Even complex indexers can now be developed in under 15 minutes.

Open source & no vendor lock-in

Just like our Zephyr VM, the modified SVM we created that powers RetroShades is open-source. It can be run within any server replaying retroshades on non-Mercury infrastructure.
iPhone mockup

Gas-less events & no infrastructure setup

No infrastructure or setup is required: just deploy your forked contract to Mercury's Retroshade network and emit events off-chain.

Super-Charged Data Querying

Take full control of your data with customer-crafted pure SQL queries. Design and implement unlimited efficient database queries tailored to your specific needs while working with native DB type. Say goodbye to  XDR, our backend handles it.
Mercury's custom indexing core

Introducing the ZephyrVM

A purpose-built WebAssembly VM in Rust that seamlessly connects your custom Zephyr cloud indexer with raw network data and database, enabling unprecedented custom indexing capabilities.

Shape your Indexer and Web3 API

The ZephyrVM executes any WASM binary that gets deployed to our network. You can choose how you read your data, how to process it, and how to index it.

Top-notch developer experience

Building an indexer is not easy, especially when dealing with lower level raw network data. Zephyr and associated tooling will make these tasks as easy as writing a contract.

Use Cases

Custom Indexers

Build completely customizable indexers in Rust code. Process and save, read, and update data real-time, retrieve entries from the ledger and build the API. All in a single program.


Build real-time bots with low-level, real-time access to every ledger transition. This is the best place to get started building on-chain strategies, with no latency.

RPCs & Tx Simulation

Write custom RPC functionality in a Mercury program. Whether it's simulating transactions or retrieving ledger entries Mercury programs do i, better.

Indexes & Dashboards

Publish data you ingest as indexes, or rely on community ones to build dashboards directly within a Mercury program. Grow awareness and data accessibility of your product by creating a dashboard.

Automation & Services

Create automation jobs and multi-user services like cron-jobs, upkeeps, DeFi position management bots, and other on-chain services for your users/clients. Identify and act on-chain directly within Mercury.

Near-instant Indexing

Just built a smart contract and are looking for a way to setup a data-rich, customizable indexer that can be accessed through custom SQL queries? No XDR, unlimited filtering, no new technologies to learn.

About XyclooLabs - The Mercury Ecosystem Maintainers.

Mercury is developed and maintained by the XyclooLabs team, active contributors to Stellar's awesome community. Our experience with Stellar, particularly with Soroban and the Soroban VM, has informed the development of Mercury. We've focused on creating a Soroban-centered product that aims to enhance performance and streamline the developer experience. Our goal is to leverage our understanding of the ecosystem to provide a valuable tool for the Stellar community.